Taking B8 Audi S4s on the Track

Cheap or expensive? High or Low mileage? Sports diff or normal?

Ever wondered if these cars are suitable for the track? Well, this year, we intend to find out! Join the channel as we embark on the journey of prepping and tracking two Audi S4 B8/B8.5 3.0L Supercharged cars.

Since purchasing the 2013 B8 Audi RS5, I have been impressed with Audi from both an engineering and performance standpoint. While we wait for the Rush cars to become available, I couldn’t resist purchasing a couple of these awesome cars for the purpose of tracking.

Audi may not be the most common choice for a track car, but our goal is to either discover why or see if we can change that perception!

Video link 

Ross Bentley – From the start

This will likely be another element to the channel. Throughout my time at the track I have bumped into some pretty amazing drivers. I think it goes without saying that Ross is not only one of those guys but also an amazing coach.

Prior to Pro Coaching (SpeedSecrets), Ross spent his time as a professional racing driver. He drove many classes including IndyCar and IMSA Sports Car. I hope you enjoy listening to the interview as much as I did doing the interview. 

Here’s the direct link.

Oh and if you want to go fast, make sure you sign up for his SpeedSecrets Weekly 🙂